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Horribly Optimistic: How I Found Positive Thought in Cancer

Writer's picture: Brandy JonesBrandy Jones

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

A guy I used to work with long ago was about the most pessimistic person I have ever met. He used to say, "You are the most irritatingly optimistic person I have ever met." He coined the term for me - Horribly Optimistic, and I've been known for it ever since.

I have had my down moments, my moments of depression. I'm human. Anyone who says they haven't, hasn't had enough issues in their life to truly appreciate what they have, in my eyes. It was only when I took the time to trace those key points in my life to other key points in my life, that I was truly able to see the ties myself. I believe that experiencing hardships is a necessary part of life. It wasn't until I took the time to reflect on my life and connect the dots that I truly understood the power of positivity.

What do you mean? I'm glad you asked. When you look back at your life and realize that you had a fork in your road and you chose one path or the other; or a time where someone occurred to you (not by choice) but that action changed what followed with your life.

In re-examining my life, I have found several key moments. What is interesting is that the biggest swings in thought were forced on me. Some day God, some Karma, some the Devil, and others just call it Life. What I do know is that my life would not be the same if those horrible things didn't happen to me.

You want some examples? Ok. I can directly trace where I am today, which I truly feel is a pretty great spot, to having Cervical Cancer. After years of precancerous cells were found, my doctor gave me the option of hysterectomy. The week I went on Short term disability, for what should have been a few weeks out... The contact I was on lost funding and everyone on my team was laid off. I was on Short term disability (at full pay because it was a great company). The doctor did find cervical cancer. She had to remove a bit more of the area than she planned and healing took six months due to infection and other issues. No other treatment was required. It was simple, but it did require six full months of short term disability. In that six months, my company was able to find other work for me and they were able to keep me. Not once did I have to file unemployment. If it hasn't of been for cancer, I wouldn't have been where I am today.

This is just one of SOOOO many stores I can give. Where things looked like they were the darkest, only to find out months or years later that a decision I would have only made because of that horrible thing... Led me to make a choice that has resulted in the good place I am today.

It is because I have seen this linkage now, that when I'm going through these hard times... I can honestly hold hope that something good will come out of this. In some cases, I can see where... When someone bad happens, it can also change the lives of those we love. When we lose a loved one, it causes a ripple effect. I firmly believe that there is always a silver lining, even in the most difficult situations. For those going through hardships, I hope this message provides hope and reassurance that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember that tough times are temporary and may lead you to unexpected opportunities and positive outcomes.

I can only keep my belief that even in something horrible, there will be something that I can be optimistic about - Horribly Optimistic. That's me. ☺️

For all of those going through your own struggles, I hope you read this and it gives you hope as well. Going through hard things is never fun and I hope that they are short lived, but maybe they are being put in your path because someone (either you or someone close to you) needed a little push in another direction. Know that it will bring something positive in the long run... From somewhere. I  firmly believe that there is always a silver lining, even in the most difficult situations. For those going through hardships, I hope this message provides hope and reassurance that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember that tough times are temporary and may lead you to unexpected opportunities and positive outcomes.

I would really appreciate it, if you could add in the comments an example of how you might be able to trace something positive from something negative. Tune in to future articles, where I help you see other examples.

This bouquet of Flowers can help when you are in tough times.
Flowers can help when you are in tough times.


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